Lighting and Landscape (L&L) - Measure L
The Lighting & Landscaping (L&L) department is the brainchild of the Crockett Improvement Association (CIA), a volunteer nonprofit organization established in 1971. For many years, CIA members took responsibility for maintenance and cleanup projects in Crockett’s public spaces. Vegetation management, litter pickup, streetlight repairs, illegal dumping cleanups are among the tasks carried out. But over the course of more than 50 years, it became evident that the shrinking volunteer force could no longer keep up with the need. Fearing a loss of pride in our community, the CIA framed and promoted Measure L (a parcel tax initiative), which went to the voters in November 2022 and passed by a wide margin.
What is the Lighting & Landscape Department?
The Lighting & Landscaping department is funded through an annual parcel tax which is collected by Contra Costa County and distributed to the Crockett Community Service District (CCSD). The L&L department is a wing of the CCSD. While the CIA was the driving force behind Measure L, it is the CCSD that is tasked with managing the funds and carrying out the maintenance needed. The department’s primary duties include maintaining the downtown decorative streetlights, managing overgrown vegetation in public areas, ongoing cleanup of the downtown plaza (corner of 2nd and Pomona streets) and mitigating litter and illegal dumping. Other entities, like Caltrans (state) and Public Works (County), have responsibilities as well, and the department plays a collaborative role to ensure needs are met.
While the CIA was the driving force behind Measure L, it is the CCSD that will be managing the L&L Maintenance Fund.
Getting Things Done
- Six streetlights have been re-lamped on Pomona Street.
- The Plaza continues to be maintained with litter removal and is pressure washed regularly.
- The Bridgehead (area below the freeway/bridge) continues to be regularly maintained.
The Lighting & Landscaping Commission is made up of five community members and serves as an advisory council to the L&L department. The commission meets once a month (the third Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center) to review progress, needs, and/or concerns. The public is always welcome.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Under Construction
- How much am I charged for this service? Each parcel is charged $50 per year.
- Where can I see the work that the L&L Commission is doing? The L&L's areas of focus are currently primarily focused on maintaining the Bridgehead area, decorative lighting, and Pomona Street.
- More to come...
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