World War I Memorial Hall

The Crockett Community Services District took ownership of the Word War I Memorial Hall in October 2009. The building known locally as the “Legion,” short for American Legion Hall, was dedicated in 1925 and has stood at the corner of Pomona and Alexander since.
Historic Resources Evaluation of the Memorial Hall has been completed by Kimberly Butt, AIA, of Interactive Resources, Inc.
Memorial Hall Nomination to the National Register of Historic Places as submitted by Kimberly Butt, AIA, of Interactive Resources, Inc. The United States Department of Interior added Memorial Hall to the National Registry of Historic Places on February 25, 2014.
Crockett Memorial Hall Video
A short presentation outlining the history, restoration efforts, and planned use for Veteran services.
Walk of Honor 2020
The Phillips 66 2020 Walk of Honor was cancelled due to the Shelter-in-Place order that in place because of the global coronavirus pandemic. Event though the event was cancelled, Phillips 66 still made a contribution of $15,000 to the Viet Nam Veterans of Diablo Valley and $15,000 to the Crockett Community Services District for the restoration of Memorial Hall. The Crockett Community Foundation matched this donation with $5K.
The District's Maintenance Department is coordinating the renovation of the Memorial Hall. The goal is to put it back into public service for the benefit of veterans and residents of Crockett and Port Costa. The San Francisco engineering firm of Holmes Culley completed a structural analysis and design of a seismic retrofit system to protect the building and public from structural collapse during an earthquake. The architectural firm of Interactive Resources of Point Richmond has been hired to prepare the architectural restoration design and search for funding that would allow the project to move forward.
The District is determined to protect Memorial Hall from the disfigurement of conventional seismic strengthening systems and has determined that our building can be adequately strengthened without harm to its architectural features. An advanced technology will be utilized above grade, using glass fibers embedded in polymers applied to the brick walls, along with substantial concrete work below grade. Because this strengthening system will be unseen and unnoticed, we can have confidence that a restored Memorial Hall will have all the charm of the original.
As the design work and the search for funding proceeds, volunteers will continue working to maintain the building and the grounds. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our District office at (510) 787-2992.
Some of you receiving these updates on Crockett’s Memorial Hall are veterans of military service. We are working to identify all living veterans of Crockett, Port Costa and Tormey so that we can include them all on our email list as we move this project along. Spread the word!