History and Formation

In response to local interest, the erstwhile "Crockett-Valona Sanitary District" in 2004 adopted Resolution No. 04-05-04 requesting the Local Agency Formation Commission of Contra Costa County ("LAFCO") to initiate proceedings for the formation of Crockett Community Services District ("Crockett CSD") and the dissolution of the Sanitary District. The formal application was submitted to LAFCO in November, 2004.
The intent of this application included:
- Protection of existing recreation facilities and programs
- Reacquisition from the County of our Crockett Community Center for local management
- Cost-effective, comprehensive management of public recreation in Crockett
- Creating a public agency able to receive and preserve other community assets for continued public benefit
The basics of this proposal include:
- Election of a 5-member Board of Directors to manage the new CSD
- Transforming the existing sanitary district into a sanitary department within the CSD, managed by a sanitary commission comprised of existing sanitary board members
- Creating a recreation department within the CSD, managed by a recreation commission comprised of existing P-1 Committee members and Crockett Recreation Association Board members
- Creating other departments to provide services as desired by our community
This proposal was enthusiastically endorsed by local agencies and organizations:
- P-1 Advisory Committee
- Crockett-Valona Sanitary District
- Crockett Recreation Association
- Crockett Community Foundation
- Crockett Chamber of Commerce
- Crockett Improvement Association
Contra Costa County took advantage of our application to roll the sanitary district of neighboring Port Costa (SD-5) into the new CSD and out from under County responsibility. Port Costa residents saw a financial benefit to such a merger and gave their support. LAFCO approved this reorganization of local government agencies by Resolution No. 04-22 dated October 12, 2005. Subsequently, the voters of Crockett and Port Costa approved the reorganization and elected a 5-member Board of Directors on June 6, 2006. The first meeting of Crockett CSD was held on July 13, at which time the elected Board Members were sworn into office by County Supervisor Gayle B. Uilkema.
As promised the voters, the historic Crockett Community Center was quickly returned by the County to Crockett ownership and is being well cared for by Crockett CSD. As planned, the non-profit Crockett Recreation Association deeded Alexander Park with its swimming pool and tennis courts to Crockett CSD that same year, along with its other properties and decorative street lighting. The residents of Port Costa in May 2007 voted to become an equal partner in Crockett CSD by approving a parcel tax for recreation services. Then, to complete the planned reorganization, Crockett CSD assumed operational control of the Port Costa wastewater treatment plant and sewer system in June 2008.
The District continues to provide quality recreation services for area residents, as well as reliable sewer services in Crockett & Port Costa. Management of these facilities and services is overseen by dedicated commissioners of the Crockett Recreation Commission, Crockett Sanitary Commission and Port Costa Sanitary Commission. In 2009, the District also formed a Police Liaison Commission to improve communications between area residents and law enforcement agencies of the County and State. Then in 2010, the County transferred Crockett's World War I "Memorial Hall" to District ownership for public benefit. Crockett CSD will no doubt continue to evolve in the coming years in response to public need.